In most cases the need for dynamic braking appears when using the inverters. "Dynamic braking" refers to generative braking with energy dissipation on a dynamically switched braking resistor. Dynamic braking allows smooth and quick stop of the motor running at high inertia load.
When the inverter drives the motor driving the high inertia load down, the motor starts running in generator mode. Reverse current charges the DC bus capacitors that could cause emergency shutdown due to overvoltage fault.
Vektor Tekhnologiy offers the braking resistors of its own production. Braking resistors are applied in automatic variable speed systems of electric motors constituting a part of electric drives of general-purpose equipment or mechanical handling equipment including elevators.
Braking resistors are manufactured in accordance with RB Technical Requirements TU BY 191250454.001-2012, standards BY/112 03.03 002 17989 and have the Declaration of Conformity.